Monday, September 5, 2011

Oh The Agony

My dear sweet baby girl Olivia recently turned 10 months old. It's an exciting time because her personality is developing so well, but it's also a scary time because that seems to be the only thing developing. The unfortunate thing about having a baby when all your friends have babies is that you tend to compare them to everyone else. Right now, all the babies Olivia's age have been sitting up for months, eating well, crawling and are even close to standing up. Most babies are getting close to the 20 pound mark and are getting super tall. Olivia, is doing none of these things.

At 10 months old, Liv won't sit up, refuses to crawl and weighs an astonishing 11 pounds 5 ounces. I know it's shocking, it's actually difficult to even write it. Because the truth is that most people will say she's just "petite" but it's when you tell people just how little she weighs that you can actually HEAR the breath being sucked out of them. It's phsyically painful to admit it because I know that a lot of people instantly jump to one conclusion: I'm not doing my job.

And I'm not sure I would think much differently than them. Afterall, they don't see the massive amounts of baby food she eats, or the 6-8 times she breastfeeds a day. They don't watch her constantly snack on foods her brothers eat or adamately refuse to take a bottle or sippy cup. They also don't see the amount of times a day that I spend trying to get her to sit up, or put her on her tummy to crawl. They don't hear her wail from sun up to sundown because I make her do things she is so insistant on not doing. They see 11 pounds 5 ounces, and a baby who is completely dependent on me.

Though I beat myself up daily about it, I have to recognize that sometimes these things are completely out of my control. But I also have to stop and look at the fact that when Noah was exactly 10 months old, I wrote an almost identical BLOG about him. And that when Elijah was 11 months, I wrote another incredibly familiar BLOG about him. Though I hate to lump her in a category, when you look at the facts, it's pretty appearant that ALL my children have gone through this 10 month hump, and everyone of them have gone on to thrive. If you looked at my boys right now, you wouldn't even think they ever had trouble when they were babies.

So, as I pray and give this worry and fear to the Lord knowing that He made Olivia the way she is, and was meant to be, I take comfort in the fact that I've walked this path twice before. And I hope one day very soon, this blog will be a part of a long list of blogs that I look back on and say, "Oh yeah, I forgot that was even a problem."


Tracey Jacobsen said...

I remembered reading the post about Noah... apparently you have late bloomers... but I'm sorry you're going through this! I'm praying with you that you can look back soon and think, "Why was I even worried?"

(and do I have to say she's just beautiful?)

Joel and Leslie said...

Ok, first of make BEAUTIFUL babies. Seriously, wonderfully handsome and gorgeous little ones. The world thanks you. :) Secondly, you are an amazing mom that was hand-picked/created by God just for your little ones. That's the thought I cling to when I feel like I have failed in parenting....that feeling's such a lie from the pit. Ok (stepping off my soapbox)....Liv is so wonderful and let me just say, gave me plenty of happy smiles the day I watched her which just HAS to brighten up anyone's day. AND, she did eat 4 containers for lunch, too. ;) Either way, Liv is such a wonderful little one, and cute as can be, so we'll all just watch her grow up in her own way, in her own time....that's what girls do anyways, on their own terms? :)

Sarah May said...

I was reading this and thought about the Eli and Noah blogs you had written too... and remembering "fat baby pancakes". As a Mom it is hard not to compare our children to the other children around us... and worry that we are not doing our job... and fret about what other Moms are whispering when we walk past. Just know that you are doing everything YOUR babies need to thrive and grow. You are an amazing Mommy!!! Kids develop all at different speeds and rates. My niece is 14 months and a small sprout like Liv... Ana has already pasted her weight up and there is a whole year difference between them! She hit all the milestones later than most her baby friends too... I know its easy to say then do, but don't worry. When she is ready to sit up and crawl around, she will... she is totally enjoying being the baby :p

Amy said...

Oh, Erin! As a mom that would be so tough. I know that you take wonderful care of your little ones! Sometimes kids like to throw us a curve ball once in awhile and it can take some time to figure out. I would just encourage you to keep trying and maybe try some different things and talk to your pediatrician to see if they have any ideas for what may help. I'm sure you're doing all of the above, just wanted to encourage you to hang in there! I'll be praying for Olivia and you too. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'd be happy to e-mail or talk on the phone. :) Sending hugs your way!