Thursday, June 23, 2011

Potty Bootcamp: Where only the brave survive

So I have been dragging my feet on this whole potty training thing for a while now. Elijah has had some complications with it due to his hands and his development, so I decided to wait until it was summer. I was going to just train Elijah but then I decided to train Noah as well. People have commented on how crazy this is, but bare with me.

My boys have ALWAYS been competitive. Elijah is constantly spurred on by his brother trying it first. I have no idea why, but hey why fight it? So I figured, I try it with potty training. That why today I decided since it was 84 degrees outside, and I was SICK TO DEATH of changing diapers, that I would try Potty Bootcamp. It's not from a book I read, or a video I watched, or even a friend I know. It's more like a frame of mind. I gathered the potty up, every fun toy I could find and brought the baby out there while we had a potty party.
Within 2 minutes of Noah's diaper being off, he went in the potty... I was stunned. I had no idea he was even ready. Ofcourse, as predicted, Elijah could not be outdone and so the competition began. I let them run around naked all morning as we danced to Disney music and drank lots of juice. Ofcourse, we had our laptops out for when things didn't come out very quickly. I couldn't resist snapping pictures.

Even the baby got into it in her bouncey toy. She just loved being a part of the excitement, though she had no idea what it was about.

I am officially marking Day One of Potty Bootcamp a success. Now, to stay motivated. (Stay tuned for that one)


The Greenfields said...

first of all, i rarely come to your blog because it's in my reader but it's sooo cute! if you did this on your own, i'm impressed. i am clueless when it comes to this. seriously, i was so stressed just trying to come up with a new name for our blog!
anyway, cute post and what a great idea about the boys doing it together. i have been dragging my feet with noah because we are in such blasted transition for so long- was going to wait until we get back to jordan in august. maybe i should pit him and mercy against each other!! something tells me mercy will win :)
love following your family.

Tracey Jacobsen said...

oh boy... this is hilarious and adorable. :) good work Mama! (and I'll be jealous when it works... Steiger, ai ya... I don't know what to do)

Sarah May said...

I love the pics! Too cute! I hope potty bootcamp is a success!