Friday, June 17, 2011

And sometimes God uses iphones

I admit it, I am that grouchy lady in church who growls at the people who pull out their IPHONES and use them as a substitute bible. It has always bothered me. Which is why it came as a complete shock that I actually used my bible app this week. I just recently purchased an iphone 3Gs. I know, how dare I purchase the older, non high-tech version? But it was cost-effective and I really wanted an iphone. I downloaded the classics like Angry birds, and tried a few new ones for recipes, a nice little GPS app, I was all set. Then, because I am a christian and it seemed fairly un-christian-like (is that a word?) to NOT download the bible, I caved and did.


So, I have had a really tough time doing my devotions lately. I mean, during the day I try really hard to sit and read a chapter or two, while I put the boys in front of the tv and the baby down for a nap. My prayers always seem to sound something like, "Dear God, please speak to me in the 3 1/2 minutes I can get uninterrupted to read this passage of scripture." Sometimes it works, sometimes I have to stop everything and break up a boy fight.

I was feeding the baby and browsing through apps and came acrossed the bible app. The boys were outside, and it was somewhat quiet, so I thought I'd take a gander. That's when I discovered a very cool "recorded" feature, where a nice man reads each passage to you. Since Olivia's constant need for spoonfuls of food was distracting me from reading, I tried listening. Ofcourse, I hit the King James Version and some british dude started talking, which totally distracted me because I got to thinking about how strange it is that most movies depict Jesus having a British accent. And I quickly had to change the version to something with an American accent.

And as I sat there, watching the boys through the sliding glass doors, feeding my baby, sitting in my pajamas, the Lord spoke to me through an iphone app. Call me crazy, maybe a little bit of a hypocrit, but I actually got something out of a morning devotion I heard through a telephone. How strangely fascinating.


imaya said...

I know exactly what you are talking about. More often than not L is sitting next to me watch Diego, H is latched on nursing and I am trying my best to have a meaningful devotional time. Or as she stated so perfectly try to steal 3.5 minutes between the constant being needed to have prayer time. I love the iPhone Bible app for exactly that. It makes nursing and reading something I can do, even if "GO DIEGO GO!" is in the background. I can't believe I haven't tried the audio yet. And yes I am that annoying person in church with iphone but it makes cross referncing so much easier. Soon my friend it will be you. Have you downloaded videos yet to keep kids occupied while out in public?

Maribeth said...

This cracks me up because I always felt the same way--especially about the Bible with people using their phone.. until I got an iphone and downloaded a Bible app. Now, my best devotions are when I'm going through a reading plan on my app and nursing Silas in the wee early hours of morning. Ironic? Maybe. Maybe not.