Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Reflections:3 years in

Three years ago, I celebrated my first mother's day. I was a new mom, enjoying every little thing about my baby. I couldn't have imagined then just how full my heart would become, how many lessons I would learn, or mistakes I would make. I couldn't have dreamed that 3 years later, I would be taking Mother's Day photos with 3 amazing babies.

The woman I was before my children came along is but a shadow of who I am now. My heart is so much more full. My desire to give my children love and support has allowed me to try things I would never have tried, and accomplish things I couldn't have ever seen myself doing. I have become a hairbow maker, a party planner, a sewing enthusiast, an avid reader, an interior designer, a documantarian, and a graphic designer since they came into my life; all things I could never have dreamed I would be. Being a mother has encouraged me to become a better person, a more well-rounded one.

I've become more relaxed- less of a control freak. My children have taught me that there is no controlling when they play in mud, or get covered in peanutbutter, there is no telling how covered in crayon your walls will become, or when somebody will have a dirty diaper that requires a wardrobe change. These are all things you have to roll with, and I have learned to not take things so seriously, or expect perfection.

So if I could say one thing to that mother 3 not-so-very-long years ago? I would tell her not to worry so much. You can't control things, you can't make them happen the way you want them to. All you can do, is sit back and enjoy the crazy ride and trust that the Lord knows what He's doing. Enjoy every kiss, snuggle, hug and wonderful thought that pops into their head. And find a way to laugh, even at the ridiculous mess your baby just made, everyday!


LSharkey said...

What a great picture of you guys. You have wonderful children - a result of who you are and what you teach them!
I liked you before you were mom-Erin, and I like you even more now!

Maribeth said...

Loved this. How true how true... we never could have imagined the people we would become prior to kids. Can't wait to give those three little ones a hug... someday...