Sunday, May 15, 2011

2 years old and so much fun

Dear Noahboy, today you turn two years old and what an incredible little boy you've turned out to be! Born 4 weeks premature, you were the smallest of my 3 babies but also the most tough. And now, here you are a toddler. You've grown up before my eyes. Here are some of the wonderful things that make!

*You are the toughest kid I know. When you get hurt, bruised, giant gash on your forehead, come running to me crying and then 30 seconds later you're suddenly healed and back to playing. It's a miracle.

*You have the longest eyelashes I have ever seen on a human being in my life, and you use them to your full advantage, particularily when you want something.

*You're a pro at wrestling. Your brother has taught you everything he knows. And even though he's much faster than you are, and can get away quite easily, you have brute strength on your side and can easily pound him, grab him, and sit on him faster than you can say lickity split.

*You're an eater. You usually eat everything on your plate, and if I'm being totally honest, on your brother's plate too. Our household rule is "If you don't eat it.... Noah will." And since you were so underweight as a baby, we don't mind one bit that you're getting all the nourishment that you need.

*Noah, you are the funny bone of our family. You know how to tell a joke, do a dance, and pretty much do anything to make us laugh. That is a really cool characteristic about you. You LOVE to do it, and it's what sets you apart from the others. Equally you love it when others joke with you. Your infectious giggle leaves us laughing so hard we cry. What a joy you are Noahboy!

*You have a kind heart. You always say you're sorry if you've hurt your brother, or any of us and are quick to give us a hug...and then ofcourse give us a giggle.

*You LOVE to read. You simply cannot get enough books read to you in the day. In fact, most of the books you read yourself, telling us about the characters and what they're doing. You have such a passion for reading, and love a good story. It's surprising to me how someone so small can sit for so long and have such an attention span. But you somehow manage to. And everytime the book ends you say "Eee-na" which means "The End".

*You can be such a gentle ben. You absolutely adore your baby sister- there was never a time when you were jealous of her. You love to run up to her and say "hi baby!" and give her a kiss. You're always concerned about her and want to make sure you know where she is at all times. You ask "Where baby go?" when she isn't in the room and you LOVE to come get her from her crib after her nap.

*You love to communicate. Sitting up, crawling and walking were all challenges for you. Talking has never been. As you turn 2 today, you can actually say whole paragraphs. "Where dada go? I don see him. Dada? Where are you? Oh there you are Dada. Dada what you doin'?" and, ofcourse, our favorite. "Oh no! What are we gonna do? Hmmm.... I KNOW!" .

We are just loving this stage with you and all the cute things you come up with.

*If there is a mess, all trails point to you. You love to get dirty, and mess things up. Sometimes it can drive me crazy. But most times, it's just so funny to see you covered in dirt from head to toe, or to see the crayon marks you've made all over the walls. And you smile as you show off your artwork. How can anyone resist that smile?

*You love your daddy's shoes. You put them on and they look like skis on you. Even so, you can get around pretty well with them on.

I always say that before you were born, there was a Noah shaped hole in my heart. Baby, that is still so true. You have filled a place in my heart that was empty, you brought laughter when there were tears. You are truly a delight Noah. Love, Your Mama.

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