Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm SEW excited! Part 2

So many of you know by now that my New Year's Resolution this year was to embrace my feminity. Meaning- to boldly go into brave new girl world territory. Part of that resolution, was to learn how to sew. To be totally honest, I did take a sewing class in the 8th grade and therefor new basic sewing knowledge. But it's been 15 years, and as I learned.. it's not exactly like riding a bike.

My best friend, and creative advisor Lauren invited me to come over and gain some instruction in sewing. I chose my first project to be a pillowcase dress. So, I bought an amazing fabric bundle from an etsy shop , a cute pattern and watched a youtube tutorial from The Crafty Gemini and went to work. With MUCH instruction and patience from Lauren, and 8 hours later (I know it's sad really). I finally finished the dress. I couldn't be happier with it, and I cannot WAIT to make the next one.

Olivia liked it so much, that she chewed on the bows most of the time, so I couldn't really get an AMAZING picture of her in it. But they're cute all the same.

So this is me, in March, still holding strong to my New Year's Resolution and feeling like a more complete, confident woman because of it. I'm so excited for what the rest of the year brings!


Alison Fleming said...

Yay Erin!! It's adorable!! That's so fun that YOU made it!! I hope someday I can learn to sew too!! It's on my list... but I don't even have the 8th grade background of sewing... I'm totally in the dark!! Maybe you can open your owen Etsy shop and sell those cute dresses!! If my little baby to be ends up being a girl... I would definitely buy one from you!! Stinkin' adorable!! Hugs.

Stefanie Smit said...

I love it!!

imaya said...

Oh my gosh! That is so, so cute! I want to attempt to make one. You are going to need to give me the details on how you got a bundle of fabric from etsy.

Unknown said...

yay! Your princess looks adorable in her mama-made dress! I'm so glad you were able to follow my instructions and pattern. Keep up the good work... and be careful, sewing is addictive! ;o)

Sarah May said...

Look at you Mrs. Crafty! That is SUPER cute... and Miss Olivia rocks is so well!