Monday, January 3, 2011

The Pink Resolution

So here it is, the first blog of the new year. And it's all about my resolution, ofcourse. It seems like every year we claim it is the year of "no babies". Last year we shouted it from the rooftops "2010..the year of NO BABIES" ......a month later we got pregnant. This year, really truly I can say it with certainty that it is the year of no babies. But that's not really what my resolution is about. This last year, I had a girl and suddenly it opened my eyes to a whole world of pink I was missing.
I spent so long ignoring pink, looking away from it focusing on cars, and football and manly things that suddenly I lost myself in a world of boy. I stopped buying things like nailpolish and makeup. My shoe collection became scarce and, well, scary. I began to look at everything from a neutral point of view. And then, this little bundle of pink entered my life and I realized that I had denied my inner girl.
I am a girly girl at heart. I LOVE chick flicks, and makeovers and shopping. And Olivia showed me that it was okay to be a girl. So this year, my new year's resolution is to embrace my feminity. I want to go get my hair professionally colored, get pedicures, buy pretty dresses and get my eyebrows waxed. I'm not going to feel "silly" or "imprudent" for doing it either. Because, it's okay to be a girl...afterall....that's exactly who I am.


Jenny said...

YAY for pink! And for girly fun. Just wait till Olivia's a big 4 year old- the fun really begins! Kiley LOVES nail polish, having her hair "done", make-up, and CLOTHES! Oh it's fun. I'm so so glad that you got your girl!

the princess said...

Good for you! I love doing all the girly stuff, it always cheers me up a bit to go get my nails or my hair done :) That is a very fun resolution!

Tracey Jacobsen said...

I'm pretty pink myself too. :)

Good resolution. ;)