Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A sister bond

What an amazing honor it is to watch your sister grow from a baby you so fondly remember holding in your arms, to a young woman who sits next to you.

The last 3 weeks have been an absolute gift to me as I've gotten to spend them with that young woman. Staying up late, doing our hair, sharing clothes, secrets and stories. It's the kind of bond that can never be explained, or broken. It's been 2 very long years since I've seen her and the long-awaited reunion was everything I hoped it would be. I've had so much fun watching her play with my babies. It's been such a treat to watch her fall in love with them, just as much as I do.And now, as I sit here helping her print her boarding pass out to get on a plane and fly 3000 miles away from me I am pretty darn sad about it. But I know that it's not goodbye.... it's see you later.

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