Monday, December 27, 2010

Pimp my Ride or The Cozy Coupe Transformation

I wracked my brain this year thinking of something really great to get my boys. But as I looked at my budget, I just couldn't get them the newest and greatest. By chance, I was browsing craigslist and found an incredible deal on 2 very old Cozy Coupes. At $10 each, I simply couldn't pass them up. The owners powerwashed them for me, and even though they were sparkly clean, they were still somewhat faded and definitely LOOKED like a craigslist buy. So I decided, after much research on the internet, to refurbish them. Here's what they looked like:

I bought the Krylon plastic covering spray paint and got to work covering the bottom in painter's tape. I painted BOTH of the top parts of the car a shiny black color. I started with the top because I knew if it dripped it would be alright, and I wanted to get the black over with, since that is the hardest to recover and repaint if you mess up. Once I did a few coats, they looked like this:

In my house, color is important. It's how you set apart what's yours from what's your brother's. Everything that Elijah owns is blue, everything Noah owns is green. So naturally, I had to make a blue one and a green one. Spray painting those were a challenge. I taped plastic bags on all the wheels and the black spots that I didn't want to get paint on. Even so, things leaked through and I ended up having to put several coats on them. I think it's the perfectionist in me probably. But after several coats, and several days, I ended up with a pretty amazing result. Ofcourse, I highly reccomend putting a coat of see-through polyurethane on top, to keep scratches and ruboffs from rearing their ugly heads. But, it worked pretty well considering:

It was so fun on Christmas morning peeling back the curtain and revealing their "new" toys. I found it quite hilarious that they both knew exactly which one was theirs, without having to be told. Ahhh, the simplicity of having those familiar colors- no fighting.


LSharkey said...

Yay! THey are wonderful!

Meagan Penland said...

Fabulous!!! What a good idea! I just might have to do this with one of our cars, as ours was a "free in someone's trash pile" find, and looks the part.
And I LOVE that your boys are blue and green like mine. =)

Unknown said...

Aren't you the smart momma!!! So proud of you to do this with everything else going on. They are adoreable...perfect for your adoreable boys!! Give them hugs from Aunt Karen. Love you.

Sarah May said...

Very creative! I am going to share this idea with my Mom, her cozy coupes have seen better days... after 20 years of daycare kids loving them, they are very faded. I love it! What a Merry Christmas!

the princess said...

Wow, what a smart idea, and they look so cute! You are so creative :)