Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas: Through the eyes of a child

I used to think I knew what Christmas was about. I heard the story a thousand times, and thought of it's meaning. I thought about how amazing it was to celebrate the birth of the Christ child. But it wasn't until I became a mother that I truly understood just how precious the birth of a baby can be. This year, I had the priviledge of talking to my sons about what Christmas was about. Their responses were... pretty amazing.

When asked about why we celebrate Christmas, Elijah replied, "Mama, Christmas is Jesus' berfday. Eets not my berfday mama, it's Jesus'. "

This is the story, as told by Elijah, Noah and mama, of Jesus' Berfday:

There was a baby named Jesus. He had a mama, and a dada who loved him a "wot". But they couldn't find a crib for him, so he had to sleep in a barn. He cried "wah" just like baby "o-wee-a" (Olivia) cries. Then there were some kings with big crowns on their heads who followed the "twinkle twinkle widd-uh star" to the barn where Jesus was born. They gave him presents and there were cows "moo" there. There were also some farmers who were watching their sheep and an ANGEL came to them and told them about where baby Jesus was. Then all the farmers and kings bowed down to worship him. And the angels danced around and had a big party. - This is the part where Noah said "dance" and him and Elijah started dancing all over the room.

And that's when I totally lost it. How wonderful it is to look at Christmas through the eyes of my children. I so enjoyed dancing in celebration of Jesus- my King. It really made me think of how the angels must have been partying up there. I thought about Christ sitting on his thrown right now smiling, just as I smiled, as I watched little Noah and Elijah dancing for Jesus. I wonder if he got a small tear in his eye, as I did, when Elijah said, "Mama, for Jesus' berfday, I want to give him a berfday cake."

Thank you boys, for helping me to keep the reason for the season in my heart...always.


Anonymous said...

Yep, and here I am tearing up reading your post. I love that little ones just "get" it. Thanks for sharing your moment with us.


Sarah May said...

so sweet! This made me tear up too!

the princess said...

This post made me cry, that is so sweet!