Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The world of 3

It's been 3 weeks since I entered the world of 3 children 3 and under. I thought it was an appropriate time to write a little something about what I've learned. Really, life is just about survival right now. It's been interesting having a newborn in the house again and all the lack of sleep it entails. But I think the added challenge is the sudden burst of energy the morning shift and it's 2 rambunctious little boys has brought to my world. I feel like the walking dead.

The amount of diapers I change in a day is ridiculous. Seriously, unheard of amounts. I think when I am finished with the last dirty diaper, I am using all the money we spend on diapering 3 butts and going on a weeklong cruise. And the laundry.... oh the laundry. It makes me want to curl up in a corner somewhere and suck my thumb.

I have to say, when I tell people that I have 3 children and spout off their ages, most people shake their heads or have a wide-eyed expression on their face. I then make some comment to acknowledge the fact that yes, we are in fact a little bit crazy.But, the joy of having all 3 of my kids in my minivan while we drive to the store, or sitting on the couch while we read a book is such an amazing feeling. A loud, chaotic, confusing, amazing feeling. So, 3 weeks in I can tell you that it is a scary endeavor, and not for the faint of heart. But it is the most content I've ever felt in my whole life. My cup overfloweth.


Tracey Jacobsen said...

not for the faint of heart indeed. But boy are they cute. :)

Sarah May said...

You inspire me!

LSharkey said...

God has a special place in heaven set aside for mothers like you. :-) You are inspiring and you are doing a great job! They are wonderful kids.

Anonymous said...

We haven't even started and I am totally nervous. You amaze me.