Sunday, November 21, 2010

Erin Thoughts- November 21 2010 (the long-winded edition)

*Does anyone else have "laundryday underwear"? You know, the underwear reserved only for when you have completely run out of every conceivable pair of underwear available and the only thing you have left has stretched elastic and holes in it? Or maybe it's those granny panties that are 2 sizes too big for you that your mother thoughtfully gave you for Christmas one year? I just realized that I ran out of my last pair of laundry underwear...crap.

*Why is it that in Redding when the temperature drops to a whopping 46 degrees they break out the parkas, snowboots and the coonskin hats? Come on people, this isn't Alaska.

*I'm 28 years old and have been doing "my own" Thanksgiving now for 8 years. We kind of have a system now, and I like it. But it amazes me that most of my friends have never done their own Thanksgiving. Boy are they missing out. No crazy bearded aunts, awkward hugs, meeting "the latest" boyfriend, or eating that stuffing you really can't stand but it would totally crush your poor Grandma if you didn't eat a very healthy portion of it.

*I'm CONSIDERING braving the holiday crowds and trying my hand at Black Friday shopping. Perhaps it sounds CRAZY when I have a newborn at home and get little sleep as it is. If nothing else, it should make for a GREAT blog.


LSharkey said...

You'll probably be up early enough for the real 4 am sales anyway. :-)

And yes... I'm totally one of those who broke out the full on ski jacket tonight. Maybe I was being optimistic that it was going to snow. :-)

Stefanie said...

It would make a great blog and I can't wait to hear it! Do it!! :)

Jenny said...

Did you end up Black Friday shopping?
Miss you friend!