Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black Friday: Amazing deals or 4th circle of hell?

According to Dante, the 4th circle of hell is for GREED. If you were in Walmart at 12:01am Friday morning, you would understand his philosophy. So how did I end up being a part of the Black Friday chaos? Interesting story...

I had been talking about doing a Black Friday run for weeks, but as the day got closer, and I started to see just how much of a sacrifice of sleep I would have to make, I began to second guess that decision. Fast forward to Thanksgiving night, we had finally put the kids to bed and I was in the middle of a clusterfeed session with the baby when I DECIDED once and for all that I needed my sleep. A few hours later, Tim informed me that we were in fact out of TUMS and WIPES. And in our house, those 2 things are essential to living. So I reluctantly decided to make a quick trip to our 24 hour Walmart to pick up those few neccessities.

In my pajamas and some boots I jumped in my car thinking that the sales at Walmart wouldn't start until 5am, so it shouldn't be too crowded. And that's when I entered the parking lot and saw the chaos of a 12am sale.

As I entered the building I saw just what a grave mistake I had made joining the crowds at midnight. There were aisles and aisles filled with toys and snuggies and giant body pillows. And the people, oh the people. I soon realized that there was safety in numbers and I was alone. I quickly set my sights on a pair of 12-year-olds who were recklessly driving a cart filled to the gills with sale items. As they crashed into people and bullied their way through the massive crowds, I stood silently behind them and used their bodies as buffers.

The electronics department, which was the site of the 5am sale, was filled with people camped out on the floor. Each one had their DVD's, cameras, and big screen TV's in-hand waiting the 5 long hours it took to get "the deal". Most sat listening to their ipods and playing card games, sprawled out with blankets. I half expected there to be a campfire and a bearded hippy playing "Michael row your boat ashore."

Then I entered the clothing section where women of all shapes and sizes were literally tossing clothes in the air trying to find their respective sizes and colors. I was stuck in total gridlock for about 7 minutes. NUTS! All for $4 walmart pajamas.

Ofcourse, I found a few good deals that I simply couldn't pass up. Afterall, I did drive all the way out there I might as well take advantage of the situation. But I have to say that taking your life into your own hands is hardly worth the extra $15-$20 you could save on items. At least not to me anyway.


imaya said...

I love the Dante reference, 4th circle of Hell indeed! Good gracious! I have yet to experience the insanity that is Black Friday but your description may ensure that it never happens. That is so funny that you ended up in the mess of it by accident. Could you imagine doing that with the kiddos in tow?

Sarah May said...

Oh my gosh! You crack me up!

My husband had to work that night... he didn't know that it was only the electronics that were on sale at 5am... and I guess many other employees didn't know either. He said it was the worst night ever! It was hard to bring the freight out from the back to stock the shelves.

I was going to have him pick up a few things for Eli for Christmas beings as he got off work at 7am... but everything was pretty much cleared out by then! booo!

Tracey Jacobsen said...

I've never done Black Friday either... because I don't want to give up sleep! yipes! :)