Monday, April 19, 2010

The messsiest kitchen

I wish there was a contest for "Messiest Kitchen in America" and whoever won would get a maid service for a month. I would totally enter, I have no shame. I'll go one better and say that I would not only enter, I would most likely win.

Time to go clean my kitchen.

p.s. This isn't my actual kitchen, no mine is much much much worse. I just felt that since I wasn't actually entering a contest that I wouldn't show you just how bad it actually is.


Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

Oh, I would enter too.....

maybe if everyone that entered by giving a dollar, than that would cover the cost of a maid. Though, if it is only you and I that enter -- well, than 2 bucks ain't going to cut it.

Sarah May said...

I would enter also... If your kitchen is as bad as your say then we would have some steep competition!

Amy said...

Don't worry Erin, we're in same boat too! Our kitchen is often a disaster even though we try so hard to keep up. ;) I find it's the same with laundry, I've nicknamed our laundry pile "Mt. Laundry". :)