Monday, March 22, 2010

Finding the humor in healthcare.

So instead of writing a blog on the extremely controversial healthcare bill that was just passed, I wanted to address something slightly more... silly about it. That would be, people's reactions to it on facebook. Last night when it was passed, I scanned through all my friend's updates and so many of them wrote quite humorous things. Actually, they were trying to be serious, but I found them humorous.

My favorite update would have to be "Great, welcome communism" (I think they meant socialism). While I think everyone is entitled to their own political convictions, I still find humor in the way that people choose to express them. This morning I came acrossed the group " 1 million facebook users against the new healthcare plan." Like O'bama is going to sign into his facebook account, see that there are 1 million facebook users against his bill and suddenly he will see the light and withdraw the bill.

When Obama was elected I took to facebook to see people's reactions. I was susprised to hear theories about the Apacolypse and the End of Days. Now I understand when your guy loses that you're not thrilled, but Obama the anti-christ? I don't know if I'd give him THAT much credit.

I just find it funny how dramatic people can be, especially on facebook. And how, they can be worried about what this world is coming to then 10 hours later update their status about this fabulous pair of shoes they just got. Funny.


Anonymous said...

I agree. It was quite comical. Best to just keep my mouth shut and enjoy the material. :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree. It was quite comical. Best to just keep my mouth shut and enjoy the material. :-)