Friday, March 19, 2010

The Witching Hour

There is a certain time in the Warkentin home- around 5pm, when everything turns to chaos and I just about want to pull my hair out. It's called "The Witching Hour".

Every family has one, I am convinced. It's when the kids start their meltdown temper tantrums and time-out becomes a permanent home. It's where all the stress and tension of the day snowball into an out of control mess.

That particular time of day is my least favorite. There are a lot of things expected of me as a mom, a wife, a woman during that time. And I am afraid I don't always meet up to standards. Dinner is almost always accompanied by some child rolling around on the floor whining, or another insistant that I hold them. How am I supposed to get anything done?

I don't know, but it's the time of day I find myself asking more times than I should "When is bedtime?"


Sarah May said...

at least you attempt a nice dinner... I don't even try... I make food ahead of time and freeze it... or just don't make dinner at all. My husband "fends for himself" most night...

Jenny said...

You are an awesome mommy Erin. And you are so completely right about the witching hour. We definitely have it at our house too. On the extra bad of nights I will throw my hands up in the air and announce that we are having cereal. Or McDonalds. And I, like you, start counting down the hours till bedtime from the second the witching hour begins. Just know that when your witching hour is starting, that mine will be starting just an hour or so later! :) Love you friend!