So the whitehouse just came out with it's own app for the iphone this week. What? No wonder the economy is so awful, healthcare is still down the drain, and people are jobless...they were working on an iphone app.

Okay maybe I'm a little cynical, but I feel like I was a little lied to. I voted for CHANGE and all I got was a whole year of the SAME.
I'm pretty sure the campaign slogan should have read:
Yes We Can??
Not to get too political, but that was my feeling of Obama the whole time. I was pretty indifferent to him, and didn't understand the excitement, because to me, he was *just another politician.*
Bureaucracy in general is insanely frustrating. There are so many simple things that can be done (take away state to state restrictions on health-care, opening it up for more competition for one) that would help immediately...
I love ya sis,
but no one can promise and deliver a country flowing with milk and honey except Yahweh...even if they sound passionate and are really excited about it. :)
"Yes we can?" I almost didn't vote for I really felt and feel that neither could.
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