You are 2.5 years old Elijah, and really you're going on 30. It seriously amazes me what you've accomplished and the little man you've become.

Here's a few things you do that make my days:
*Forget walking, you now run from place to place. All day long I hear your little monster feet running through the house. Yet you run so gracefully, it's like watching a gazelle on the discovery channel.
*You're a huge fan of your cell phone. You talk on it constantly. I'm convinced you talk on it more than I do. Last week I was feeding your brother and you were walking all over the house talking to somebody on that phone. It cracks me up!
* You hate wearing pants, you hate longsleeves and you can't stand socks or shoes. You're definitely a California boy. Did I mention the sunglasses? You are forever walking around with these sunglasses on your face.
*You now call through the house, "Mom" and then proceed to ask me questions, talk to me about the weather, or tell me what's going on in your head. It melts my heart everytime you call my name. I've waited so long :)
*You love to help, whether it's cooking, or cleaning, or just calming your brother down while I make him food or change his diaper. You love to help in any way you can.
*Wrestling has become your new favorite passtime. And you do it every chance you get. Even sometimes when I'm just bent over cleaning something you jump on my back and try to tackle me. Of course, I still win. But I'm figuring that won't last long so I am soaking it up now.
*Your vocabulary is pretty good now. You can say short 2 word sentences. Mostly relating to play "go out"or food "eat, wa-wa(water), heese (cheese) or your brother.
You love to say "Ohay Oah" (It's okay Noah) and "Stot Oah!" (Stop Noah!)
You also say "It's hot" or "it's cold" depending on how you feel.
*Of course, trains, trucks, and motorcycles are your favorite toys. You are in constant play with them, and are excellent at sound effects.
*You are the most sweet, most gentle big brother. You ask to play with him constantly, and always get down on the ground and talk to him, kiss him, hug him and entertain him. He is your best bud and I know how much you love him.
*Music is your passion. Everytime music is on you are keeping time with your hands, or singing. You make everything a drum, and we have since bought you a drum set. But you refuse to be fooled by your "toy" and insist on playing daddy's real ones.
You make me laugh all day long and are wildly entertaining. In fact, that's just the way you like it. Elijah you are the music of my heart and I am so proud to be your mama. Just don't grow up too fast okay?
Here's a few things you do that make my days:
*Forget walking, you now run from place to place. All day long I hear your little monster feet running through the house. Yet you run so gracefully, it's like watching a gazelle on the discovery channel.
*You're a huge fan of your cell phone. You talk on it constantly. I'm convinced you talk on it more than I do. Last week I was feeding your brother and you were walking all over the house talking to somebody on that phone. It cracks me up!
* You hate wearing pants, you hate longsleeves and you can't stand socks or shoes. You're definitely a California boy. Did I mention the sunglasses? You are forever walking around with these sunglasses on your face.
*You now call through the house, "Mom" and then proceed to ask me questions, talk to me about the weather, or tell me what's going on in your head. It melts my heart everytime you call my name. I've waited so long :)
*You love to help, whether it's cooking, or cleaning, or just calming your brother down while I make him food or change his diaper. You love to help in any way you can.
*Wrestling has become your new favorite passtime. And you do it every chance you get. Even sometimes when I'm just bent over cleaning something you jump on my back and try to tackle me. Of course, I still win. But I'm figuring that won't last long so I am soaking it up now.
*Your vocabulary is pretty good now. You can say short 2 word sentences. Mostly relating to play "go out"or food "eat, wa-wa(water), heese (cheese) or your brother.
You love to say "Ohay Oah" (It's okay Noah) and "Stot Oah!" (Stop Noah!)
You also say "It's hot" or "it's cold" depending on how you feel.
*Of course, trains, trucks, and motorcycles are your favorite toys. You are in constant play with them, and are excellent at sound effects.
*You are the most sweet, most gentle big brother. You ask to play with him constantly, and always get down on the ground and talk to him, kiss him, hug him and entertain him. He is your best bud and I know how much you love him.
*Music is your passion. Everytime music is on you are keeping time with your hands, or singing. You make everything a drum, and we have since bought you a drum set. But you refuse to be fooled by your "toy" and insist on playing daddy's real ones.
You make me laugh all day long and are wildly entertaining. In fact, that's just the way you like it. Elijah you are the music of my heart and I am so proud to be your mama. Just don't grow up too fast okay?
I love hearing about who Elijah is. What neat kid! I love that he is all boy, and yet still maintains a gentle heart. Another musician in your family-goodness you guys are going to be like the Partridge family with all that talent in one place.
This was fun to read about Elijah.
I was telling Jay the other day that one of the things I love most about being a mom is knowing Steiger so well, and seeing him in a way no one else does. :)
sigh...can you write how i feel about Charity so when she grows up she'll feel as special as your little boy will!?
So good!
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