Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Single Mom Experiment: Days 2 and 3

Have you ever heard of the term "Sundowning" ? It's a medical term people use for alzheimer's patients. In the mornings, they are much more alert, more happy, less agitated. But as the day goes by, their mood shifts, they become more isolated, more angry and withdrawn. I believe that children have a sundowning syndrome. The later the day gets, the more difficult they become.

Normally, I can handle this syndrome with my best friend by my side. Together, we take on the black moods that come our way like partners fighting crime. But when my partner is MIA, my kids tag team me, and the black overwhelms me.

That's what the last 2 days have been for me. Neither one talks, so it's mostly just lots of whining and fussing and puking, and pulling on me. And before the black can completely suffocate me, I put them to bed. But I know I will live to fight another day of crime.

So here I am, 3 days down, 2 more to go.

1 comment:

imaya said...

You are a trooper! How do real single parents do it? I honestly can't figure it out. Love the "sundowning" analogy-very clever.