Thursday, September 24, 2009

Single Mom Experiment: Day 4

Yikes, I really hit a wall. Today was MOPS which is normally super exciting and fun to go to but was more stressful this time than usual because I had to be there EARLY and bring food. I got 3 hours of sleep the night before (thanks to both boys waking up multiple times during the night) and a Starbucks run was absolutely neccessary. Of course, that made me late. But what could I do?

I was so looking forward to 2 whole hours away from my kids, when someone came into the meeting holding my Noah boy who wouldn't sleep for them. Bummer, there goes my moment alone.

Fortunately, Leslie came over and helped the early afternoon go by. I really enjoy her company and Zach and Eli had so much fun together. I tried to take a picture of that fun, but my camera battery died.

I think the real breaking point for me today was when I tried to take a nap. Noah screamed for 4 straight hours this afternoon which ruined any plans I had for sleeping. By dinner time they were both screaming and I felt like I really might lose it.

Math lesson for the day: No sleep+ screaming all day= not happy mama.

Things calmed down eventually.It's now 10:30pm and I am trying to figure out what to eat for dinner. I may just skip it altogether in favor of sleep. One more day and I finally get some sanity back.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Wow Erin...
I'm glad you survived your week of single mom-hood. It SUCKS trying to do it alone day and night and day after day after day....
Glad to hear you had some friends come to keep you company. That can be the best way to restore sanity in my opinion. You restored my sanity many times with your visits... and I miss them... and you!