Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lord of the Flies

I feel like flies have been the theme of this summer; the constant battle between me and them has been a part of each of these hot days. I am the fly killer in my house, not because I am particularily good at it, but because nobody seems to mind them as much as I do. Gone are the days of chivalry I guess.

Today was a particularily rough day as Eli threw up most of the morning, and Noah has the sniffles. I did about 4 loads of laundry, was puked on several times, and have been cleaning little messes all day. Fast forward to this afternoon when I went into Eli's room to change his diaper.

Before I go on, I must divulge that there is a garbage war in our house. It is a constant fight over taking the trash out. It isn't my job, so I try not to do it. But the trash taker-outer has figured out that if it sits long enough, I will get so tired of looking at it that I will throw it out. Again, I try desperately not to do this. So back to today.

I was changing Elijah's diaper and added it to the brimming and overflowing trash in his garbage can. I panned to his wall, and I saw 4 small flies near it. Gross, I thought. Then I scanned to the next wall, 8 flies. Sick, I thought. Then I scan to the next wall, 5 more flies. Nasty, nasty, nasty! So I locked me and Eli in his room that now smells like a toilet due to the 111 degree weather plus the disgusting garbage that hasn't been taken out.

There I spent 30 minutes chasing masses of flies around his small room. Whacking, and groaning, it sounded more like a tennis match then a firing squad. All the while, Elijah just sat and laughed hysterically, falling over at how funny mommy was huffing and puffing. There were so many fly carcuses on the floor that I had to vaccuum them up. And when I finally took the trash out and vaccummed his room, I found 4 more flies. How do they do that?

An hour later, I am now covered in bug guts, baby poop and puke and ofcourse, my own sweat. All over a garbage war. I am sooooo getting a pedicure.


imaya said...

That has got to be one of the sickest, nastiest tales I have heard in a long time I HATE flies. I also hate overflow garbage. And vomit and poop. Go get a pedicure, Girl! And that you for not posting pictures.

Jenny said...

Oh you MORE than deserve that pedicure! Wish I could go with you...

Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

I got you beat! We too have been battling flies...I DETEST them with passion...however the flies are fighting back over here by laying eggs...YEP! You guessed it MAGGOTS! For a couple of weeks we had maggots...I would clean and clean and only find a few more days later a maggot crawling (and smirking at me) across my floor. NASTY! I too will be happy when the "Fly" season FLIES by...(Pun totally intended).
Fun reading your blog Erin!