Monday, July 27, 2009

A 2 month review of Baby

Today is all about Noah turning 2 months old. Yesterday marked 10 weeks of life for him and we are so excited. He has really come alive over the last week or so. He is no longer the baby who eats and sleeps. He's now wide-eyed and interested in what's going on in the world. Ofcourse, he can't stay awake as long as he would like, but still the effort is there.

He has started to smile now and I have included pictures of the blessed event. His smile is so inviting. I love hearing his low little giggle that goes with it! He is also curious about his big brother. Watching the 2 of them interact is fun, though Elijah still has personal space issues he maintains.

Noah is getting to be so strong. He can hold his head up fairly well now, with only a few wobbles now and then. He loves his swing, and mommy does too as that is the only time she gets a break. His hair is still quite red, especially in the sun. I am starting to call him "My little leprechaun" wish you could see just how red it is, pictures do not do it justice. His eyes have turned from a mirky unknown color to a vibrant blue. They look a lot like his Grandaddy Steve's eyes. Beautiful blue eyes like giant pools of water. They invite me in each day and I am amazed how gorgeous they are. I am hoping they don't lose that vibrance.
His eyelashes continue to grow. His brother and now him both have the kind of eyelashes that belong in mascara commercials. When he bats them at me, I am taken in. He is a pleasantly plump little guy, his shoulders broad, his rib cage unseen. He looks so healthy. And he is just now starting to fit into 3 month clothes. Sad for me because I have a pile of teeny-tiny clothes he can no longer fit. I still haven't been able to bring myself to put them away yet.

His skin is much darker than Eli's, not as fair, which you wouldn't expect from a redhead. His voice is so precious, so different from my firstborn. His cries are low and loud, yet still have such a softness to them. He sounds hoarse everytime he cries or coos and it makes me wonder if I've finally got my Baritone. He is such a good baby, not overly fussy or needy. He is content and happy, the product of a stable environment with little change. He still isn't sleeping as well as I would like, but that will come with time. And that's Noah right now.

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