Thursday, July 30, 2009

Best buds

These boys have been inseperable lately. On any given day you can hear them throughout the house giggling and growling. It's a crazy thing when your kid switches from needing you 24-7 to being a full-time daddy's boy. It's nice, especially having 2, that they are such buds because it gives me special alone time with Noah that I normally wouldn't get, on the other hand it's also a bit sad that I have become chopped liver to Eli.
Watching Tim with Elijah just melts my heart. I can remember when I was dating Tim, wondering and weighing in on if he even liked kids, and what kind of father he would be. It's a scary thing picking the father of your future children, you really don't know what to expect until the kids come around. He has far exceeded my expectations. I love that they are best buds.

1 comment:

imaya said...

What a sweet post and sweet picture. Too cute.