Sunday, March 8, 2009

Little feet

Dear Eli: You're 19 months old today... closer to 2 years old then 1. That boggles my mind. I stumbled upon this photo I took a couple of weeks ago. 

One day your feet will be twice the size of mine and I will wonder where the time went, just like I sit here tonight wondering where 19 months has gone. And on the day that I buy those giant over-priced tennis shoes for you, I will look back on this picture, because it will be all that I have left of those tiny little feet.


Bethany Watts said...

You brought a tear to my eye! You have a precious family & such an awesome outlook! I pray that we can look to you for encouragement when we have kiddos! Praying for you always!!!

JohnMichaelHinton said...

ahh! Maybe because I have a new place in my heart for kids, but AAaaahhh! Super cute! :)

Jenny said...
