Monday, September 1, 2008

Bringing sexy back

Politics and government platforms have always been lost on me. Not because I'm not intelligent enough to understand such complex things, but mostly because they did not interest me. I was too concerned with what Jennifer Garner wore to The Kingdom premier, and who graced the cover of US WEEKLY to be concerned with what was going on in our country.

Tim is the one who really got me into politics by talking about it over dinner, or at night before bed. I never realized how little I knew on the subject until I got into these conversations, and it never really seemed to bother me until I was challenged. Finally one day after a very heated debate between he and I on the war in Iraq, I decided that perhaps I should do my homework.

So I have really taken to reading political articles, tuning into CNN and watching the presidential race since there were a million candidates running down to just one. It's been so neat to see what each candidate's platforms are, and to decide for myself whether or not I agree on them.

Last week instead of surfing the net, or watching movies, we spent every night watching the Democratic National Convention. It was really invigorating (especially since I felt like I had a grasp on how I felt about the isssues). And just last night a friend started a political debate with Tim and said the words, "Check your facts". It was the first time I had heard those words and could actually say with certainty that I had indeed checked my facts.

Since I have started this brain-stimulating journey, I felt like it's given me a lot more confidence as a woman. I don't think there is anything more sexy than an intelligent woman. Someone that not only knows how to carry on a conversation with someone, but is passionate about her beliefs. That is what sexy looks like to me.

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