Monday, June 23, 2008


So I have been reading A LOT about Viva La Vida (Coldplay's new album) out there in blogland. It seems to be quite the controversy. Being the Coldplay FREAK that I am, I of course went right out and bought it as soon as was humanly possible. But I must say that I disagree with about 75% of you out there. I think this new album is a piece of musical genius and here's why:

#1-To understand a musical masterpiece, you must first understand it's background.
This album was based on the french revolution. If you notice, most of it's songs
are war themed, talking about death and idealism in love. And the band upon each
performance of it's single, has been sporting army uniforms to further inspire.
I think that the songs are more mature. They're not all pie-in-the-sky Coldplay
like some would hope. They have a rich background and their lyrics are grounded
with meaning.

#2- Whole is better than half.
Most people would prefer Coldplay to do different renditions of the same hits like
"Yellow" or "Fix You". I, on the other hand, find it terribly refreshing that they
have gone out of their way to make an album that is cohesive, and nearly
single-free. It makes it unique and interesting. In order to hear a good story,
you wouldn't read one chapter of a book. And so it is with this album; to
appreciate it fully, you must hear the WHOLE thing.

#3- Change is a GOOD thing.
I cannot tell you how many complaints I have heard about them using new and
interesting instruments. What is wrong with a little change? It's not like they
experimented with the sitar or the banjo. Chill out a little and learn to enjoy
the hammer dulcimer. Drink it in, it feels good going down.

In conclusion, the 4th album from Coldplay is growing to become my most favorite. Rich in new and interesting beats, and time signatures, it keeps me pumped all through my "busy" day of housework. But don't take my word for it, check out "Viva La Vida" the new single and tell me your feet don't start tapping.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Dang, you're so much more dedicated to music than I am. I also went out and snatched this album up having no idea what it was about (though the album cover is the famous painting of the french revolution, the title is in spanish and I was confused. That was the extent of my understanding.)

Anyway, I have not ceased listening to it since I've gotten it because it is so dang good! I think that they are true to their "sound" while also being talented musicians enough to branch out and be a little different. I think it's seriously inspiring music. And don't think I'm rediculous, but there are many secular bands out there who help me to worship God more just because of his creation of people who can create such beautiful things! Ok, so that's what I have to say about COldplay. I'm just glad they steered away from the sound of X&Y since it was basically U2 reincarnate.