Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sex and the Kiddie

Alright, so I wanted this to remain my secret guilty pleasure, but for the sake of good story telling, I must divulge that I am a Sex in the City fan. Mostly, the TBS version that has little nudity and "fixes" all the cussing. So when the movie came out I was REALLY wanting to go see it. So my BFF Jenny and I decided to go on a much-needed girl date. No husbands, no kids, no limits to the amount of trouble we could get into.

And at said date, we decided to see our secret indulgence- the Sex movie. We busied ourselves getting the perfect seat and chatting about life while the previews were rolling. Little by little, more and more people straggled into the theatre. There were a few middle-aged women there (which I expected) and then a few moms and teenage girls. Then, just as the movie was about to start, in walked a mom and her 3-year-old daughter. At first I thought perhaps they had stumbled into the wrong theatre as I heard "Mommy I have to go pee-pee".

Surely they must be going to see Kung-Fu Panda or something.Then, sure enough, the lights dimmed, the famous theme song started playing and the 3 year old girl started rolling around in the middle aisle. Don't get me wrong, the little girl wasn't all that loud or disturbing. I think it was just that a MOTHER would bring her very small child to a rated R film. And not just any film, a film that cussed frequently and had fairly graphic sexual content.

It was odd to hear someone use the F word and then hear a tiny giggle in the background. We definitely felt uncomfortable. And as we left the theatre, it was everything I could do to hold Jenny back from giving that mom a stern lecture.I am not neccessarily condoning my guilty pleasure by any means, but I certainly wouldn't take my CHILD to see it.

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