Monday, May 12, 2008


So yesterday I celebrated my first official mother's day. Elijah was teething and was pretty much a terror the entire day, but I didn't care, I was so excited about the day.

I used to think that Mother's Day was a celebration of what mothers do. At least, that's how I always celebrated it. But now, on the flip side of it, I feel entirely different about the holiday.

I spent the majority of the day just thinking about what an amazing GIFT it is to be a mother. I remember when Elijah was swimming around in my belly, how I knew my life would change forever, I knew it would be totally different... but I really couldn't understand how. It really has radically changed my life. I used to not be very sentimental- it would take a lot to get me to cry. Now, all I have to do is see a Hallmark commercial and I bawl like a baby. Motherhood is in my every thought. Every daytime activity is set around nap-time, every plan of a major event involves intense laundry and food preperation. Even my dreams all involve Elijah being attacked by wild bears or saving him from a pit of snakes (I am like Indiana Jones- I HATE snakes). In fact, most days it is hard to remember a time (though it has only been 9 months) when my life was not about my son.

Recently, Elijah cuddled up to my face and took my hand in his and grabbed it. I think that sums up motherhood perfectly. A life holding onto you so tightly, an intimate moment, a cherished conversation. I am probably the only one on the planet that was so excited the day Elijah pooped for the first time, or the day he rolled over, or got his first tooth. I am the keeper of his history, and I am enjoying every minute of that job.

So I guess, all that to say that my Mother's Day was awesome, not because my son gave me a cute card, or sang me a song, or did anything other than screaming at the top of his lungs because his teeth hurt. But because I spent the day remembering why I love being a mother so much.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Great Insight Erin and cute pics