Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My heart dropped...

So I had a Superbowl party at my house today. It was pretty fun. I had a few friends over, we had a few laughs. But one of those people at one point made fun of my son's arms and everybody laughed. My heart hit the floor. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, and it was everything I could do to get him that soda he asked for. I could have come running across the living room floor and strangled him.

I guess I expect that kind of talk from strangers, or from people that don't know me very well. But from friends? I didn't know what to say. It's this type of behavior that makes me want to stay locked away in my house, where my child is safe from the world.

I just gotta pray that God gives me tougher skin, cause this was just the first of millions of times this will happen.


Erica said...

Erin that is so hard. I think there will always be a part of you that will always rise up in defense at your kids being made fun of. I call it the mama bear in me. That is the way God made you. Thanks for sharing your struggles with us. You are an amazing mom.

Candace said...

Oh man, Erin. That does not sound fun. I can't imagine. I agree with Erica on the whole Mama Bear thing. And that you are an amazing mom! And your boy is amazing too.

Rosetta Borgic said...

That makes me see red, and it isn't even MY baby. I don't know if I would have been cool-headed enough to get them the soda. I can't even imagine what you were feeling. It is a great lesson for us all though, thank you for sharing!

Ramona Quimby Lives said...


Don't have a clue who you are - found this looking for Veggie colouring pages for my very sick (and very 'handicapped')little boy. I don't know what's 'wrong' with your baby's arm, but I'd like to haul off and smack the life out of whoever said whatever about it. I'm not sure our skin will ever get thick enough, and I'm sure 'people' will never stop being jackasses. I'm terribly sorry that happened to you. Your boy is completely gorgeous :o) Hang tough woman...

Big Hug,
Shannon Wallace