Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How Veggie Tales Saved My Life

Elijah has entered the "teething stage" which basically means he cries all day long, only taking a few breaks to eat and dirty his diaper. Today, was no exception. He whaled all the live long day. I tried rocking him, and tickling him, and playing with him, and feeding him, and burping him. I sat him on my knee and sang to him, I even put him on the webcam with grandma to see if she could help. Nothing.

Finally, out of total exasperation, I sat him in his chair and gave up. That's when out of the corner of my eye I saw a Veggie Tales movie he got for Christmas. I thought, "Yeah right, like a 5 month old is going to sit and watch that" at the time, but now I was willing to try anything because my ears were beginning to bleed. I put it in, he cried, I pressed play, he cried, and turned him around to face the TV, he cried. Then, the sweet sound of my good friend Bob the tomatoe came on, "If you like to talk to tomatoes....", my son stopped dead in mid-cry. His eyes were now fixed permanently on that red, round, God-send. And for 27 whole minutes, he sat, quietly in his chair, his mouth gaping open, his eyes wide and fixed on our TV. It was a miracle. Now I am off to the christian bookstore to buy every copy of Veggie Tales they have ever made!

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