Friday, January 18, 2008

10 Things you probably didn't know about me

1) When I was 12, a boy I knew smacked my face and broke off part of my front tooth. It was terribly noticable and I had to have major dental work to fix it. I secretly fear that one day the work will fall off and everyone will see how hideous my tooth is.

2) I hate wearing pants of any kind, and when I go home I immediately take them off.

3) My junior year of high school, I was in gym class and some really geeky guy came at me full throttle during a soccer game and tackled me. I threw him off of me and somehow managed to break his leg. He walked on crutches for 3 months, and for the rest of my high school career all of the boys would run to the opposite side of the hallway when they saw me.

4) I have an unexplainable fear of stained-glass windows. On my wedding day, I made my mom cover up all of the ones in the church because I was afraid to walk down the aisle.

5) If I work at it, I can still put my ankles all the way behind my head.

6) I love to write songs on my guitar, but I hate to play them for anybody else but me.

7) The first time I kissed a boy was the WORST experience of my life, and after that I swore I'd never kiss again..... but I did anyway.

8) When I was first married we had some CRAZY neighbors who threw parties at 2am on a weeknight. One night I got so fed up with them, that I went outside to the breakers and turned their power off. But instead of cutting their power, I cut the whole complex's power- so if you lived in Wavertree apartments in fall of 2004 and wondered why your alarm clock didn't work one morning.... sorry, that was me.

9) When I was a teenager I was very naive and would often sing the lyrics to "baby got back" in youth group in front of my pastor. It wasn't until years later that Tim finally explained to me what "I get sprung" means.

10) Sometimes, when no one is around, I turn on my favorite music from high school and dance around to it in my underwear.

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