Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Public Display of Affection

So, today I celebrate being married for 3 years. And I just have to take a little time to gush over my husband (just a little I promise). Most people look back on their wedding day and remember how extravagant it was, how beautiful the flowers were, how great the food was, how enchanting the event was.
But that's not really what I look back on when I celebrate this day.

I cherish the look on Tim's face when he said his vows- how intent he was, how serious. I think back to when he sang a song to me and I lovingly watched while all his groomsmen cried. I think of how I was a nervous wreck that day, being pushed and pulled in so many directions but it was when I walked down that aisle and saw my best friend at the other side that all my troubles melted away and all I could see was my life with him.

Maybe some people have beautiful table pieces, and fancy topiaries- I had a man who loved ( and still loves) me and made a commitment to be beside me always, through good times and bad. And it's that commitment that I celebrate today. Love is an amazing gift to which I am forever grateful for.

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