Saturday, June 2, 2007

Pregnancy Courage

29 weeks

I am not sure whether I have gained a lot more courage or whether I just don't care anymore, but lately I have developed one heck of bite at injustices of the world. And I am NOT afraid to express myself about them.
It started when I went grocery shopping. The annoying people that would drive their shopping carts down the middle of the aisle as if to play chicken with me would get a very big and mean glare. Then I just started bumping into them. One guy came barreling down the aisle at full speed straight at me, I continued on in my pace as well. I believe he was determined to win, but he relented and let me pass first. Because afterall, who wants to be the guy that knocked that poor pregnant lady unconscious?
Over the past several weeks though I have noticed a stinging indifference to the social norms I was brought up to follow and have become much more vocal about my distaste for the things people do. Basically I believe my patience is worn thin and I am officially apathetic. The worst offense to date has been over my vacation.
We stopped at a gas station to fill up and I went to the ladies room. There I saw the most disgusting restroom I believe I had ever seen (and remember I have been to Mexico). I stormed out of the bathroom, mother-in-tow, and went straight up to the cashier.
I stared him square in the face and yelled in the loudest tone I could: "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?! CLEAN YOUR BATHROOMS, THEY ARE DISGUSTING!! WHAT IS THIS A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY?!?!?" It was after this last remark that my family pushed me out the door to make a quick exit. But I was not ashamed, it didn't bother me in the least. I knew I was just saying what everyone was being too polite to say, but they sure as heck were thinking it.
I believe that was when I realized just how much this pregnancy had affected me. And though I definitely do not want to be this way forever, there was a bit of vindication through being able to have the liberty to speak my mind. I call it my pregnancy courage. And I will miss it when it's gone.

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