Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Volvo driving soccer mom

While driving in my car today with the windows down, the sunglasses on and the stereo cranked it occured to me..... I might soon be..... uncool.

Being a California girl I have grown accustomed to blasting my Blink 182, Everclear and Jimmy Eat world while driving my car on a bright sunny day. But today, as I listened to Blink I realized that it MAY not be suitable for children.

Then I gasped.... was I doomed to become one of those soccer moms? Those people that wear mom-jeans and join the PTA? Could I really end up being the kind of person I'd (gulp) always made fun of?

It was then that I made up my mind to be a non-conformist. I am who I am. I like wearing pajama-pants in the middle of the day, and flip-flops in the middle of winter. I like being silly and dancing like a wild banchie in my living room. And having a kid is certainly not going to change that. I will simply be a "cool" mom.

When I drop my kid off at school, I will be fully equipped with big sunglasses, cute pj's, and an iced caramel machiato- blasting music as loud as possible. Ofcourse, my son will probably be embarrassed, but that's okay because I will not go silently into that cold cold night. I will hang on to every shred of youth and rebellion that I can. And when I have wrinkles on my face and everything's saggy....... you will STILL hear my stereo turned up.

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