Thursday, March 15, 2007

The moment of truth

18 weeks

Dear Elijah,
Today is the day that we found out you were going to be a boy. We first saw your legs and arms, and we measured your spine. The doctor weighed you (7 oz.) and made a comment about how long your legs were. I drank some caffeine so that you would be awake and move around so that we could find out if you were a boy or a girl.
The doctor said that all of the babies she had looked at that day had been boys. I told her that I thought you would be a boy. Then, she told us that you were a boy. Your daddy was shocked- he was hoping for one, but wasn't really sure you were. But I knew. I knew from the time you were a little bean that you would be my little boy. So when the doctor told us you were, I just looked at her and said "I know".
You were kicking the entire time she tried to measure you and it was hard for her to catch you sitting still. You moved all around mommy's tummy like a little wiggle worm. Finally, you settled down and fell asleep. But we wanted to watch you move around, so the doctor wiggled and jiggled you until you woke up. Then you gave a big stretch... and fell back asleep. We giggled when we saw you stretching and decided that it was always going to be hard to wake you up!
Finally, the nurse asked us if you had a name so that she could type it in the computer. I smiled and said "Elijah Cole". That was when your daddy cried. He realized that this little baby boy was his and he already loved you so much.
You are getting bigger my sweet little boy, and we are very excited to see who you become (although we can already tell you are full of energy!)

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