Friday, February 9, 2007

A little bump

The other day I was feeling a bit fat. I know most girls feel fat, but for some reason in particular I felt really really fat the other day. So I lifted my shirt and began to rub my "fat". I suddenly realized that it wasn't fat, it was baby!
I couldn't wait for Tim to come home, we sat and rubbed baby for a long time. I can finally feel that little round bump (it's getting bigger by the second). It's not just the flu anymore, there is a little baby in there and I can feel it. It moves to the side sometimes and is most active at night. Right now I can't feel it kicking yet, but I can feel it growing because it STRETCHES my tummy out. I run to the next room and tell Tim "Baby is growing". It's really exciting to finally have a bump. I know this month this bump will grow a lot and I am super looking forward to it.
Only a few more weeks until we find out if this little kid is a boy or girl. It kinda makes me mad because it already is what it is- the doctor is just waiting for all it's organs to finish developing until we can see it.
We are getting excited!!

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