Monday, February 18, 2008

A blog of epidemic proportions

felt the title was fitting, because my blog today children is about: FLU SHOTS

I have never understood the purpose of flu shots. I mean, I believe in modern medicine and everything. And protecting oneself against the spread of such things as: Hepatitus B or ya know.... small pocks. And if there were such shots during the dark ages, I would have encouraged them so as to not spread the Bubonic Plague.

However, I cannot in good conscience understand why anyone would inject themselves with a form of the flu to prevent them from the flu, only to then get the flu. If, said shot, did in fact guarantee you would not get the flu then yes, I would see the value in paying $15 to get injected. However, most people that get vaccinated end up contracting the disease anyway. And, the side-affects often include a form of the flu. So, I have to ask... what is the point?

It is exactly like those commercials you see on TV about anti-depression medicine. The happy people play around in leaves or jump in a lake, and the lady announcer quietly says, "Side affects of this anti-depressant may include increased feelings of suicide." WHAT?!??!??
There is something seriously messed up with giving yourself a drug that is supposed to get RID of those feelings, only to feel even MORE depressed!

The same can be said with the flu. Why put yourself through the shot process when there is a good chance you will contract it anyway?

FLU SHOTS- you're on my good riddance list... be warned!

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