Thursday, February 28, 2008

The "in" crowd

Do you remember high school at all? The ups, the downs, the trying to fit in and be accepted while you have zits all over your face and braces on your teeth? Sometimes, I feel that way about church.

My church is filled with "cool people". What would be equivalent to the jocks and cheerleaders in high school. And even though they are kind to me, I can't help but wonder if they just see me as that little music nerd that sits with all the other music nerds during lunch.

It is a terrible thing to feel like you don't fit in at your own church. Truth be told, we started going there because we wanted people that we bring to church to feel comfortable in a non-judging, contemporary environment. But, how can we bring anyone if WE don't feel comfortable there? I dunno, I'm lost.

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