Monday, January 29, 2007

Erinisms and various other forms of rhetoric

Being unique is a relative term because everybody is.... erego no one really is. But I think that one of the things that truly makes someone unique is their words. You see, each person has their own jargon - some use slang words or popular catch phrases that, mixed with their diction, basically makes a fingerprint of a person.

I once had a friend who said "dude" every 5 seconds. If it was said in an annoying pitch, it could get old really fast, but the way she said "dude" made it cool and a little humorous... this made me like her all the more. In fact, I caught myself saying "dude" more frequently when I was around her. I found it fascinating how a person could influence your speech. Over the past 24 years, I estimate that I have picked up about 15 people's catch phrases and mixed them until they have now become my own unique fingerprint.

Example #1: If someone asks me to take a bite of their food and tell me what I think, if I don't like it... I'll say "I'm not a fan". The reason I say this is because I feel it would be rude to come right out and say that I hate it, so I feel it softens the blow. I use this phrase for whenever I don't like something.

#2: If I'm telling a story and reiterating a conversation, instead of saying blah-blah-blah..... I say "Blawdy-blawdy". Why? I have no idea... but I think I had a friend once who said "schma- schma" and I didn't want to copy her, so I formed my own version of blah.

#3: In an effort to curb my "bad word usage" instead of saying crap or oh my gosh, I started saying "jimminy cricket" which sounded a little bit adolescent... so I shortened it. Now whenever someone pulls in front of me too quickly or I stub my toe you can hear me shouting "Jimminy!"

#4: I also, and I am a bit embarrassed to admit this, occasionally will say "Word" in response to a statement that is made that I believe in. Of course, I never do this in the presence of anyone over 35.

When I was a senior in college I lived on a floor dominated by freshmen. My roomate and I were the oldest, which I guess by default made us the coolest? So, we decided to do a little test to see how far our language would reach. We thought of the dumbest catch phrase to say that even had a hand gesture associated with it that we would use ALL THE TIME for a week. After that week, or ENTIRE floor was saying (and doing) it. It was ridiculous just how much influence we had..... and I felt very powerful. Muah ha ha.

So the next time you catch yourself doing an "ism" ... no matter how silly it might be, you can smile and know that it's what makes you UNIQUELY you!

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