Thursday, January 18, 2007

Peeka boo!

Dear baby of mine,
It has been a whirlwind of activity over the last couple of weeks. We have had holidays and been with family. They're all so excited about you coming into the world.

Your daddy and I have seen you on the TV. We heard your heartbeat and could actually see it fluttering. We both smiled and said "Hi Bean!". Your daddy says that one of the best days of his life was the day he got to see you. He already loves you soooo much.
We are getting ready to find a house that's big enough for you. Pretty soon we will move and start to put your room together. We are very excited about you coming, although mama wishes she wasn't as sick all the time :) But you're worth it kiddo!
You just keep growing and growing, it really amazes me. You used to just be a little bean, and now you have arms and legs and organs. I can hardly believe it. I can now feel a hard spot in my tummy that is YOU!

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