Thursday, December 14, 2006

In the beginning

I had an inkling that I was pregnant soon after Thanksgiving when I started to get dizzy spells, but I didn't dare hope that I was. It wasn't until I started craving bacon (I really hate bacon) that Tim started to wonder! I was 2 weeks late and starting to get a few more symptoms but still wasn't quite sure if it was really time to check and see.
On Wednesday December 13th we went to Wendy's and I ate a chicken sandwich and got really sick.... it was then when we were pretty convinced. Tim's mom Sarah had eaten a chicken sandwich at Wendy's and had gotten sick, she thought she had food poisening but it turns out, she was pregnant with Tim. Which is why the whole thing was pretty ironic.
Tim went back to work and I went to Walmart and picked up 2 tests. I had to dodge several people I knew and threw the bag in my purse doing a covert op to the parking lot. I took the test that afternoon and almost fell over when I saw a plus sign. I couldn't believe it and started crying and crying. I waited an hour and took another one, almost in disbelief. The second came out even more glaring than the first. I was in awe. I thanked God about 30 thousand times and waited (very impatiently) for Tim to come home.
When he finally came home he knew I was sick and asked how I was feeling. I said "I'm still feeling really sick..... but that's cause I'm pregnant." His face lit up like you would not believe and asked me if I was serious over and over again. I showed him the tests and he grinned from ear to ear. The only other time I have seen that smile was on my wedding day when I walked down the aisle. It was a fantastic feeling!
We decided not to worry about what we were going to do, or how we were going to tell people, but just to take it all in and enjoy the fact that our lives were changed forever.

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