Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh Baby

I was just recalling what it was like to have one baby. Studying it's every movement, cuddling for hours on end. When bathing and feeding weren't chores, but pleasures. There are so many things that are wonderful about having a baby. So many things that I feel like I am missing because there are 2 other more vocal toddlers in the house. Sometimes I keep her up late at night, just so I can spend undivided attention with her. It's sad really, because it means I don't get much sleep. But I can't help it, I can actually feel the time slipping away. And each time I bend over and put her in her crib at night, I wonder if that same face will be there in the morning to greet me, or if she will grow overnight.

Olivia is 5 months old, and I spend most of my time looking for adorable dresses to put her in, or making cute hairthings for her hair. I am enjoying every little second of the girl world that has now officially entered my home. She is such a blessing. And each night I thank the Lord for this precious gift of pink in my life. There was a time when I thought I would never have a little girl. It's still a surprise to me each time I change her diaper, or each time I look in her drawers and can put whatever fabulously cute outfit I want to on her. It's the most content feeling, I cannot explain it. Olivia has brought a sense of peace in my life. I know that sounds weird, since I've added a whole other person to my family. But, there is just something so wonderful about finishing your family. Knowing you are done, that you feel like your quiver is full. That is the peace I am talking about.

So even though I don't always get the moments with her that I wish I did, and while my attention is divided at times, I still feel such a connection to this sugary sweet girl. Who laughs at all my jokes, and who lives for the moments when I smile at her. I thank the Lord for this gift of time. My cup runneth over.

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