Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Very Duggar Blog Part 2

2 years ago, I wrote a blog about the Duggar family. Since then, it's gotten hundreds of hits a week, and it's even hit the top 10 on google searches for Duggars. What I find interesting is that most of the people that read this blog, barely even read what I had to say. They just went straight for the jugular, defending the Duggars to death. But today, I had to moderate a comment that went too far.

I think it's interesting that people will go so far in defending this family,that they will actually threaten people, and make fun of other people's CHILDREN just to get their point accrossed. REALLY?? Wow. Way to show Christ's love people.

But it leads me to wonder...what is it about this family that gets people so fired up? To be totally honest, most of their practices and principles aren't really that bad. They're not exactly how I would raise my kids, but they're entitled to their own parenting methods...everyone is.

I think what makes this family so controversial is their decision to continue to have child after child. Sure, they have a lot of kids, but I don't think that's the real issue. A woman in her mid forties, with a history of complicated pregnancies and, just recently, an extremely premature birth should really consider how safe it is for her to keep having children. Her health and well-being is important when she has 19 children to take care of. Without their mama-bear, those kids would have a really difficult childhood. But I also think the safety of the baby would be in question.

It's amazing to me though that one little blog sparked such a huge internet debate. I guess it proves, all you have to do is say DUGGAR, and the wolves come out.


imaya said...

I remember when you wrote that blog, have I really been following you on here that long. Kind of nice to think that I have. Just went and read all the comments. WOW you sure lit some tail feathers. I totally agree with you though. Actually, I should really get some of the hate mail as I think the way they treat their daughters is TERRIBLE! Sure you can have 19 kids if your daughters are denied their childhood to raise them. Good gracious. I totally agree with you on this post too. As always keep your "thoughts" flowing!

Sarah May said...

I think you are spot on with the daughters raising the other children. My parents had the twins when I was 12 and I spent many friday nights babysitting... I can't imagine having more than two babies in the family to tend too. Those poor girls!

It is kinda ironic... my brother married into a Duggar like family. He married the oldest of 12, they adopt children instead though... adopting two more in the next few months too! They have to adopt from China now because they are not allowed to legally adopt anymore American children! LOL!

I don't know what the Duggars are like off camera, they are a beautiful family with well mannered children... but it makes me wonder... I know my sister in laws family are the perfect "church" family... so many other moms worship her and her home-made ways... but I have seen the malicious fangs come out when no one is looking.

Jenny said...

Keep speaking your mind Erin! You know there are more of us that agree with you than those that don't. I love your blogs.