Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Exodus of Genesis

So it seems that every college out there has a homecoming. They have homecoming basketball games, homecoming dinners. It's where cool peeps go to talk and reminisce about the good ole' days. But at Simpson, homecoming is for 80-year-olds. This makes me sad. I feel like we don't have a place to connect, to have community. I think it's sad when your school caters to it's 80-year-old almni because they're the ones writing the checks.

Because our homecoming looks more like a retirement home than a place of fellowship, us "youngens" tend to catch up during Genesis weekend. Which is SUPPOSED to be a campus preview weekend, but really it's where all the people from my generation go to things like NITELIFE and such. Maybe it's because we all have such fond memories of nitelife, I dunno. This weekend is Genesis. And, because of poor attendence issues and a general lack of interest, Genesis is dangerously close to extinction. I know it's best, it's a better direction for the college. But selfishly, I can't help but wonder.... where will all the cool people hang out?

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