Monday, March 7, 2011

Erin Tracks: March 2011

So, because of this new reviewing gig I got going, it's really got me listening to my ipod again. And it made me think about how I should be sharing what I'm listening to and why. I always love hearing what's on people's ipods, what inspires them, what get's them pumped. So here are my top ten ipod songs this month:

I've really been on a Radiohead kick lately, well more accurately a 90's Radiohead kick. You know, back when they used real drums and wrote grunge-like classics.

1)High and Dry- Radiohead
Lovin' it's basic drumbeat and electric guitar build up. What an incredible gem.

2)Fake Plastic Trees- Radiohead
Such a great acoustic song. Where was I when it first came out? Oh yeah, junior high.

3)Hello World- Lady Antebellum
Okay don't hate me, I know it's country. But I'm trying to expand my musical horizons. I love this ballad about the important things in life. Can I just say I am totally drawn to 3-part harmony songs? Goosebumps.

4)Good Life- One Republic
I am a sucker for an incredible drum track, and this is definitely one good one. Such a happy, uplifting song about how great life is.

5) Dream- Priscilla Ahn
A song about being a little girl. Totally makes me think of my babygirl. Also, has a breathtaking strings section.

6)Gobbledigook- Sigur Ros
What a fun, tribe-like song. These are such creative people. I'm always fascinated by them.

7)How you like me now- The Heavy
Oh my gosh- seriously in LOVE with this fun song. It makes me feel cool, jazzy, and upbeat...even when all I'm doing is washing my kitchen floor.

8)Mixtape- Jimmy Eat World
My current favorite epic Jimmy ballad.

9)Little Lion Man- Mumford & Sons
Okay seriously this song is rockin' my world right now. I try to ignore the F-bombs they drop.

10) Girl in the War- Josh Ritter
Awesome acoustic song. Love how it sounds sweet, but the words are angry.

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