Saturday, February 19, 2011

The land of 3

3 kids, 3 and under, 3 months in.

It's an incredible thing what time does to a person. Just 3 short months ago, I had a newborn baby in my lap and my mom, dad, and husband were all around helping me take care of kids and the house. I can remember feeling so overwhelmed at the thought of what I would do when all of those hands were gone, and it would just be me and 3 kids, ALONE.

It's definitely been an adjustment, and to be fair, there have been a lot of tears. But now that I am in the trenches, doing it alone, it's much more manageable than I ever thought it would be. Ofcourse, some days I get NOTHING accomplished and I find myself simply being a child holder- kissing boo boos, and breaking up fights all day. But somehow I feel like there will be a day when I will miss these things. Someday there will be a time when I will wish I could just sit on my couch and cuddle my babies again.

Insights on having 3 small children:

*Taking 3 little kids to the store isn't near as challenging as finding room for them all in the cart.

*How do you EVER find someone to watch 3 kids this age? It's an impossibility and I've resigned to the fact that maybe datenight will just have to be Tim and I and Netflix.

*Feeding this gang is something else. Our grocery bill has DOUBLED in a few short months. How this happens when one baby is full-time breastfeeding, I will never know.

*I have never seen so much laundry in my life. Everywhere I walk there is a load to be washed, or folded, or even worse a laundry basket full of clean and folded clothes just waiting to be put away. Who knew THAT would be the hardest part?
*The diapers aren't as overwhelming as I thought they'd be. I think once you get used to it, changing 3 diapers every few hours isn't as bad as one might think.

1 comment:

Stefanie Smit said...

I always want to ask what it's like having 3 small kids...I am sure we will be having another one within the next year or two (no, I'm not expecting!) :) I appreciate you being frank and honest. I just read a great book called "Loving the little years: Life in the trenches" by Rachel Jankovic and it was really encouraging for me. I often feel the same way you do but I'm sure you have more reason as you have 3 little ones. Thanks for your honesty Erin! I love your blogs.