Saturday, February 12, 2011

February 14th... a day that will live in infamy.

10 Years ago today marks a very special day in Warkentin history. It's the day we went on a monumental coffee date that changed the course of both our lives. This part, I think you've heard before. I think it absolutely amazes me how it's been 10 years already. When I think back to the naive, dream-filled, pie in the sky girl I was when I met him, it almost seems like a lifetime ago.

Our lives have changed courses several times since then. The career paths we thought we were going to take, we ended up abandoning. The passions we had for God's work changed courses, the road we took to starting a family got bumpy and unsure at times. Our perceptions of our world and ourselves have totally changed. Yet through all this time, all these changes, all this growing the one thing that has remained constant is our love and commitment to one another.

We were kids when we met and fell in love. And now, we're adults (or at least we'd like to think we are). What a difference a decade makes. And now here we are, shoulder deep in debt, kids and responsibilities. And I couldn't be prouder of the boy I knew and the man that he's become. We are lucky to have found eachother so young, to be able to grow together, to shape and mold who we are alongside a helpmate and support system.

Tim, there's no one I would rather pack a uhaul and move acrossed country with, sit in a hospital room holding a child's hand with, go to sleep next to, wake up beside, and grow old with. You own my heart and soul and you always will.

Love, your Valentine.

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