Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm an author!

So I've been blogging now for several years and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I have been wanting for sometime now to take my two passions: blogging and music and work them together. Last week presented me with just such an opportunity as I joined the staff of as a music reviewer.

I mean, it's the perfect job! Brand new music every week that I get to listen to and critique? Yes please. I also want to broaden my writing experience and get some serious pieces under my belt so that I can be one of those pretentious hipster moms who drops their kids off at school and sits in Starbucks with a laptop on my lap and a latte in my hand. So without further adieu, I give you the introduction to my writing career: My first review


Tracey Jacobsen said...


Rachel said...

Congratulations! That is so awesome! You will be great.

Sarah May said...

That is so cool!