Tuesday, November 9, 2010

National Unfriend Day (NUD)

So, though my children are my world, I feel it is my DUTY to continue to keep up with what's going on in the rest of the world. So, during one of the MANY late night feedings I started watching Jimmy Kimmel live. He announced last week a self-proclaimed National Unfriend Day on November 17th. What is this day you ask? It's a day in which you take all the facebook "friends" that aren't actually your friends and you unfriend them.

Annoyed with the person who posts status updates every 5 seconds? Unfriend them. What about the person who keeps asking for animals on farmtown? Unfriend them. Then there's the uber annoying person you were never really friends with in high school but out of courtesy you accepted their friend request. Unfriend them. The point is, it's supposed to be a massive purge of facebook "friends" that are just uneeded. Some people have said that this is really mean and that people will take it personally. Jimmy's response? That's why we do it ALL TOGETHER, and then it won't be so offensive. Because, hey, it's National Unfriend Day.

So I have truly debated doing this. I go back and forth on this subject because truth be told, if I'm annoyed with the person I usually just "hide" them. And then I don't have to look at their "drunken at 2am" photo albums, or hear their raves about the last episode of Glee. But then again, it might be nice to only have ACTUAL friends on facebook. You know, the old fashioned kind, the ones who really ARE your friends.

I have seen many a friend go through "friend purges" before making bold statements like, "I hope you make the cut. But if you don't hear from me again... you'll know why." I find that to be just a little too abraisive. No need to smite people. Afterall, it's just facebook.

Whatever the reason, I must say I find this idea fascinating and am curious just how widespread it becomes. Who knows, I may even be a participant. We'll just have to wait and see....


Anonymous said...

Just keep using the hide button. I did a quiet purge awhile back and it has caused more than one really ackward moment. Some how I keep being put in situations with all the purged people I didn't really know but accepted. They keep saying things like, "that is funny. I thought we were fb friends already."

Sarah May said...

Swell idea! I would feel too guilty though... I am too worried about hurting peoples feelings... but at the same time, do I really need to be friends with people who I worked with at my first job at Round Table??? That was like 12 years ago!

My brother and sister in law de-friended me because I guess I didn't respond to something she posted on my wall... I wonder if that means I am deleted from their life as well.

Sometimes Facebook causes real life problems... too much drama.

Jenny said...

I'll be on pins & needles on the 17th... waiting to see if I make the Erin cut. :)

Dave said...

Great post, Erin. I've often wondered about this idea of "unfriending" people. I've got so many friends I'd just as soon not be associated with, but I've lacked the courage to blow them away. I think the right thing to do is either to just hide them so as to not hurt their feelings or create a new facebook identity and invite *only* your real friends and family to be your friend. I think I might opt for both of those :-)

Hope I'm still your friend after the 17th :-)