Thursday, September 2, 2010

This is the Day...

I'm NOT a morning person. Actually, that's really quite an understatement. In fact it takes every ounce of patience and love I have to wake up every morning with a smile on my face and listen to the little chatter around the kitchen table. Usually, every morning I make toast, or oatmeal or something for the kids and complain and grumble in my head the WHOLE time.

Lately, Elijah has really been on a singing kick. And every morning while I am standing at the counter, grumbling in my head I hear a sweet little voice singing "This is the day, that the Lord has made. I will rejoice in be glad in it."

I think it's God's little way of reminding me to check my attitude. I mean, how can you be in a bad mood when you hear that? Really? It really is the day that the Lord has made, and I really should be rejoicing and be glad in it. I love it when God teaches me things by using my kids. It really kicks me in the pants.


Sarah May said...

This made me smile!

LSharkey said...

Me, too! You really do have a godly little man growing up in your home. I love that picture, too. :-)

Dave said...

Oh Erin - I feel your pain. I've never been a morning person, either. Having kids forces you to face the fact that you just can't sleep in and take several hours to wake up anymore. It worked out well for me, though. Over time, I was able to become coherent more quickly and the boys became patient enough to allow me a little time to get the cobwebs out :-)